Friday, July 13, 2012

Shower Caulk Mold Removal

Hi everybody!  This is coco, and it is my first post!  When my bestest bud told me about her idea for this blog, I thought it was an awesome idea, and promised to contribute to it. Erm, three months ago.  I'm not what you might call "super on the ball" these days...  At any rate, I was mucking about on pinterest last week, pinned a few totally awesome ideas, and realized that I will never ever do them.  Ever.  Soooooooooo, I am going to try to start actually doing some of the things that I'm pinning.  *Gasp*  I know.  Quelle concept...  I figure on trying one pin a week, or thereabouts.  That should be doable, as it can be any sort of pin, including recipes, and those are easy to try. 

So.  For my first pin......  (there is a drumroll going in my head, for what it is worth)

Shower Caulk Mold Removal!!

I know.  Ew.  I can't stand mold in any form, and the mold that grows on the caulk around a bathtub just makes me start to imagine huge mold colonies forming behind the tile on my bathroom wall.  ew ew ew ew ew.  It is so hard to get rid of, being constantly exposed to moist heat, i.e. mold nirvana...  Hence my excitement when I came across this pin!  The idea is: take a cotton perm coil.  Soak it in bleach.  Line the caulk on the tub with it.  Leave it overnight.  In the morning, remove it, and scrub the heck out of the tub.  Enjoy your sparkling clean, 100% mold free tub.

Let's hope it works that way....  (fingers crossed)

Here is the gross gross before:

My Supplies:

I put bleach in the pie pan, soaked the coils in them, and squeezed them out.  I didn't have them in the photo, but I wore rubber gloves...  Then I laid the cotton along the lines of caulk, and let it sit all day.  My house smelled like a swimming pool.  Was it worth it? See for yourself....

The Results:

That is a crappy picture, taken with my phone, but in person it is even more impressive.  By the way, that involved ZERO scrubbing!  I will be doing my bathtub next...........


1 comment:

  1. Chances are at some point during your lifetime your house or apartment will have some type of mold problem. Taking the proper preventative measures or reactive measures(if mold is discovered), is important to making your house a safe mold free environment.

    Mold Removal Long Beach
